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  • Foto del escritorkojina tomoe

Mi first Story

since I was a little potato, I dreamed with see other countries, but as soon as that came to my mind, I think if a leave, where I would go? once I decide to go, there’s no return to home, while I am thinking, I heard.

-His time it's coming after all no one survive more than three days. And he has the fault, because before he goes to the green place, I told him:” Don't go, or take care of yourself our owner are waiting until you are healthier, so they can eat you” in spite of my advice he decides to go.

-Truly sad, now he became perfect as our owner hungriest.

I knew since the beginning all that I am hearing, even though if I applied her advice I wouldn't be able to travel, on the one hand is my life, on the other hand my dreams… so of course I will choose my dreams, life without goals is not life.

*With that in mind potato walk toward the ladies and say...*

-I know that my decision was dangerous however, there’s no way to stop me from archive my happiness.

-Despite everything we said you just are making stupid choices, on the contrary of your brother now Ms. Potato have to see her child die in a diner.

-I am leaving now just stay here is overwhelmed if you stay is your problem so…¡goodbye!

* a mysterious coconut enters the basket *

-It is true that your chance of success is low, yet you got an opportunity; come with me, and I’ll show you.

-Who are you?! Police! Police! Ohhh don't you dear go with that stranger.

*There was little chance of success in the journey to his dream. Nevertheless our potato didn’t hesitate to go with the anonymous coconut. *

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